New forum system

Few months ago we removed support forum from Web site because of extensive SPAM. These days we migrated to new forum system that will, hopefully, do a better job to prohibit SPAM posts.

All old messages and existing members are migrated to the new system, so you can use your login information as before. In addition, we reorganized boards in order to separate different types of topics. We hope that this will allow easier use of forum.

We encourage you to start and join discussions about software that you use or consider to use. This will not only help us get a better picture of your wishes regarding future versions, but it will also help new users to quickly find a solution to problems they might have.

Reading is really easy now. You don’t need to remember to login every now and then to see new messages. Instead, you can subscribe to boards of interest (“Notify” option) and you will receive an e-mail about every new post that you are interested in. In addition, you may prefer subscribing to RSS Feeds – on board or product basis. Once you login, you will probably want to choose “Unread Posts” option, from the main forum menu, to see list of new posts after your last visit.

Feel free to browse through old posts and to post your comments or questions!

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